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Pickups are outsuide from 10am-5pm THURS-SUNDAY ~ or inside Fri-Sun if you'd like.

**We roast daily for orders. Please allow us 24hr Notice or Call to schedule.**

Pickups are at the rear STUDIO door

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Try Our Monthly Delivery12oz.
Click here for info on Monthly orders$13.50
Ethiopia Natural Sidamo Grade 2 Guji - deep fruity tones with full acidity$13.50
Kenya AA - full citrus and wine acidity with a medium body$13.50
Rwanda PB Lake Kivu - fruit and citrus acidity with brown sugar sweetness$13.50
Espresso 101 - A Central and South American blend that is not dark roast (relatively speaking).$13.50
Campfire Blend - Heavy Smokey mix on top of the Espresso Blend$13.50
Kitchen Sink Blend - Central's own uniquely different blend of coffees. Always different. Always fresh.$13.50
Mocca Java - full blend of East Indies and African coffees$13.50
Brazil Cerrado 17/18 - lively acidity and toasty flavors$13.50
Colombia Huila Santa Maria Excelso EP - sweet nuttiness and sharp finish$13.50
Costa Rica SHB Tarrazu La Pastora - bright nutty tones and sharp body$13.50
Guatemala Fraijanes - medium body and full nutty acidity$13.50
Mexico HG Chiapas Finca Santa Rosa - light toasty nuttiness and body$13.50
Peru SHB FT - smooth bakers chocolate flavor and medium body$13.50
India Monsoon Malabar AA - very smooth, aged bean with earthy tones$13.50
Java Taman Dadar RFA Wet Hulled- full dark smoke flavor, earthy body$13.50
Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley A- very subtle smoke flavor and deep caramel flavor smooth lighter body$13.50
Sumatra Mandheling GR1 DP- strong smoke characteristics and smooth full body$13.50
Timor Maubesse FT - smoky earthy tones with a little acidity$13.50
Mountain Water Process Peru- chocolate tones and medium acidity$13.75

Central Coffee will no longer include paper receipts with the online orders, unless requested. Thanks!

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